We are located in Cartersville, Bartow County, 40 miles north of Atlanta, GA. Bartow County boasts some of the South’s most beautiful countrysides, stimulating culture, and welcoming communities.
Uncertain of what you really desire? Is it a stately home in an established neighborhood, a fixer-upper, or maybe a renovated ranch close to town? We’re always at your service, happy to assist you with making one of the biggest decisions in your life.
Are you looking to build your dream home? We are currently building new homes in Bartow and Paulding counties. Browse the neighborhoods below and contact us today to get started on making your dream home a reality.
Looking for professional advice on your house value? Years of experience taught us how many factors contribute to the current market value of a property.
Tell us what’s on your mind! Take your first steps in the world of real estate with the expert you can put your faith in.
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